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  • CG Tournament 2 Rules Changes / Clarifications


    Clarification: No Flying Forever

    With practice it is possible to fly for a very long time. We plan on making a small change to boosts so that you can only fly for at most 12-15 seconds. However, this was not safe to do for this tournament. 

    Do not fly for longer than 15 seconds. Generally speaking, flying should be used to progress towards scoring the Proten and not to "hide with the Proten". 

    Clarification: Stay in the Playfield

    You can't go outside the playfield. This is possible by pushing through some walls, and we found a way to use the gears to be pushed under the map. Don't do this.

    Flying on top of the gears, or anywhere you can't be shot at is not ok. 

    There are spots that players can fly to which ARE valid, including all the green circled areas below.
    Please note, the damage-over-time was increased here, so you will not live long.





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