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  3. Thanks everyone for your help - and as we grow, we will need more of it to get all of this right, we will stub our toes from time to time, guaranteed, but we will always work with you to sort it out as best we can. MassOnians - Forever !! WM
  4. And he's a great speaker aswell as a great fighter. In the stories he almost talks like a poet sometimes
  5. This is my absolute favorite Krishah She is just soooo badass looking! And pink... I love pink.... Did I say I love pink already?
  6. Metal is great Tons of different styles in there. Ranging from classical to bombastic, to dark death metal vibes. Something for everyone. I've seen quite a few people starting to enjoy metal after hearing a band thats fitting for them. Love to listen to Metal, classical, celtic, film music myself. I love how often games and films have metal in it. It's used way more often then most people think But, other music styles are also great. It's a matter of taste!
  7. Disappointed to see players purposely play in a grey area in the rules and get rewarded for it. But understandable, glad to see that new rules and enforcement will be in place :D. I think a appeal system and quick decision timing is perfect, always gets messy the longer something stays undecided.
  8. Well said Wyeth. A live vote would be a great tool.
  9. We have reviewed concerns about Tournament 2, and these are our findings and guidance going forward. First off, please remember that the Unioverse is full of many games, and Hoverdrome is just one. Also, consider that the Hoverdrome code and assets will be given to developers who can make all sorts of variations to cater to different appeal and purposes. Now, let me personally ask you all to reset your expectations about what the Hoverdrome is. It is similar to Rocket League or Mario Kart but also, a unique product unlike anything else. I need you all to understand what we are trying to do, so you don’t come to the table with expectations based on how other eSports work. The Hoverdrome is about live audience participation. For every player IN the Hoverdrome, we want 10 or 20 times as many people watching it. When thinking about how it should feel, we would draw more inspiration from a live UFC event or soccer game than with any existing eSport. When we talk about “people playing the Hoverdrome” we consider those viewers players also, and you have seen the first little peek with the cheer system. From this regard, tournament 1 and 2 were overwhelmingly successful. In fact, it was some of the most fun gameplay I personally have ever watched. If we do this well, playing in the Hoverdrome should feel much like walking into that UFC stadium with 20,000 people screaming your name. This is the goal. Therefore, when considering what makes the Hoverdrome better, it’s as much or more about the viewers as live participants as it is about the in-game players. The issue was raised that Clyfoul and Gellazka might have been coordinating, and that as a result they should be banned because this is unacceptable in eSports. Similar complaints were then issued towards other players. First of all, I want to give context to this complaint: If the complaint was true, I would put this under the umbrella of “unsportsmanlike conduct”. It is not the same as using an aimbot, or exploiting the game with memory tools - which certainly would warrant a ban. I am disturbed by how quick the accusations went immediately to “ban them”, though I do understand existing eSports competitions have a lot of baggage. Regardless, let’s try to be a less toxic community. If we examine this in the perspective of the UFC: can you imagine banning a top fighter because he did an eye-gouge? They can’t eject celeb athletes, who provide most of the fun to watching the sport, because of a momentary error in judgment. Now, because this is a unique product we need new and unique solutions. We do want players to have fun and a sense of fairness, but at the same time we need to accept it as a live event. There are reasons why NFL teams are limited in referee reviews: Too many, and it becomes unbearable to watch. We also need to embrace that Hoverdrome is evolving, fast, and we need systems in place that adapt to changing features and rules. My personal belief (admittedly not shared by everyone) is that some forms of collusion are probably OK in the Hoverdrome. One example I have given is the following: If a player got an early lead in points, and then wanted to shift strategy to specifically stop another (really skilled) player from advancing to the finals, I feel that’s a totally valid strategy. To anyone watching, this might look like collusion. Another example: three players spawn with a known top player, and all three use 100% of their missiles and lasers against that player. Again, looks like they are colluding, and in fact they are but to a reasonable outcome. In our premise of being a live UFC or NFL event, the solution to complaints against this can’t be to stop everything and review, or to review sections of videos after the fact (as has been going on in our Discord) trying to understand a players intent at a given moment. Therefore, here is the proposed way forward: We will do a better job issuing guidelines and expectations for the rules. During a tournament, each player gets 1 appeal. It must happen immediately after a match they were in. This will start a 5 minute delay while the issue is resolved. During this time the dev team/hosts will issue any thoughts they have for consideration. All the players in the tournament may vote if the match should be replayed because of the issue. If at least 50% of those that vote, vote to replay it, then that will go to the hosts/dev team who can veto it or proceed with a rematch. If a player who was found to violate the rules in an appeal, performs the same or significantly similar infraction a second time, they will be dropped from the tournament. If an appeal was granted, it will not be counted as used and they could appeal again. We will define this system better before the next tournament, and adjust it as we go. To some degree this passes the responsibility on to the players about the gray area of the rules. I think everyone is OK with that, as long as we all understand the context of this needing to be really fun to watch and fun to play. If we imagine going back in time, to some problem scenarios we had, this approach would have worked well: Mikmik’s escaping the arena: I believe it was accidental, and did not ultimately change the outcome of that game, but if someone appealed and wanted that match replayed either outcome would be reasonable. Infinite flying: It was raised and ruled on prior to a tournament, but imagine if someone got the Proten and just flew around for 30+ seconds. I’m pretty sure an appeal would have gone through, we’d determine that was NOT ok, and replay the match with clear guidance for the subsequent games. Flying to Specific areas: This came up in the qualifier and we ruled areas that were specifically OK to land and others (top of the gears) that were not. With that guidance I think this would have led to a reasonable outcome. Finally, if we imagine this was the process in place when this accusation of collusion between Clyfoul and Gellazka came up, what would the likely outcome have been? This is obviously unknowable, but I certainly would have encouraged the players to consider that the games played were great games to watch, among some great players, with no obvious unsportsmanlike conduct to the viewers. I imagine any appeal would have informed everyone to be very careful about appearances, and ultimately 2 amazing players would likely still have been in the finals anyway. Therefore, we are moving forward with the results as they stand. We hope everyone understands the reasoning, even if they disagree, and will be part of the active community to help continue to evolve the Hoverdrome into something unique and amazing. Thanks, Wyeth Ridgway Founder/CTO
  10. Great game, great discord and most importantly a great team that works well together. Good luck!! If I'm really bad at playing, can I play in championships or live? I'd like to have fun with the players, I always play alone, even if I lose I wouldn't care, contribute a little... hahahahaha
  11. Clarification: No Flying Forever With practice it is possible to fly for a very long time. We plan on making a small change to boosts so that you can only fly for at most 12-15 seconds. However, this was not safe to do for this tournament. Do not fly for longer than 15 seconds. Generally speaking, flying should be used to progress towards scoring the Proten and not to "hide with the Proten". Clarification: Stay in the Playfield You can't go outside the playfield. This is possible by pushing through some walls, and we found a way to use the gears to be pushed under the map. Don't do this. Flying on top of the gears, or anywhere you can't be shot at is not ok. There are spots that players can fly to which ARE valid, including all the green circled areas below. Please note, the damage-over-time was increased here, so you will not live long.
  12. tonif58


    This game is incredible, this team is incredible at organizing championships, with ordinary people like you and me, we can organize championships between us without taking into account the role of each player, any player can participate with any role and that gives any player the opportunity to participate and win prizes. It is the only game that is so open to all kinds of public so far. Incredible!!! See you at the championship guys
  13. This game is incredible, this team is incredible at organizing championships, with ordinary people like you and me, we can organize championships between us without taking into account the role of each player, any player can participate with any role and that gives any player the opportunity to participate and win prizes. It is the only game that is so open to all kinds of public so far. Incredible!!! See you at the championship guys This game is incredible, this team is incredible at organizing championships, with ordinary people like you and me, we can organize championships between us without taking into account the role of each player, any player can participate with any role and that gives any player the opportunity to participate and win prizes. It is the only game that is so open to all kinds of public so far. Incredible!!! See you at the championship guys
  14. Wyeth_RG

    How to Cheer

    Welcome to the Cheer System! Cheer players during a tournament, and if they win.. you earn Protens and THEY earn Protens also! Protens can be converted to UNIO after our TGE. Cheering is FREE, and helps show support for the amazing Hoverdrome players. How Cheering Works This will explain everything you need to know about cheering. Cheering takes place during a live tournament, on our website: https://tournament.unioverse.com If there is no active tournament, you will need to wait for the next event. First, you must log in to your Unioverse account. During each match in a live tournament, cheer buttons will appear on the right side of the screen: Every 5 seconds, you can click on the player you think is going to win. This is a "cheer". That player will see and hear your cheer in the game: Each cheer is worth Protens if the player you cheer wins the match. As the match continues, your cheers are worth less Protens, because the winner is easier to guess. You can see the totals you have cheered for each player (the amount you will win) on the buttons. At the end of each match, you will be told how much you won. Your Proten total should update automatically, but also, it is safe to refresh the web page as needed. We are recording every cheer you make, and will eventually provide leaderboards, NFTs and career metadata for being an elite cheer participant! Come play with us FAQ There is no reason not to cheer, or to wait. Hit the button as soon as its available. You can't spend Protens cheering. You can't cheer on a match if you are also playing in that game. Cheer any combination of players you want to.
  15. Musik and sound is important for the atmosphere and mood of a game/project. Maybe the community can help by the development with own creations. Theme song and signature tune for the project, game, heroes, in game songs, etc. Some good examples are Lord of the rings and of course Star Wars with the Imperial March as signature song of Darth Vader. I think an in game playlist for example in the weekly would be cool, too. I remember some games with in game playlists with the option to adjust your favourite playlist like NBA2K. I was a great fan of the racing game wipeout and it was cool to chasing best times and lap records on the racing tracks with a good soundtrack matching the kind of the game. The Moon was not a Moon.mp3
  16. Yesterday I sent greetings during the tournament and they work
  17. Hello, my name is Nashgull, I love games and participating, I know that I am not up to the task of winning but in any case there always has to be someone to complete the games
  18. Hello fellow MassOnians !!! What an amazing last day of qualifying, if you missed it, you missed out, here is a video of me getting my arse kicked repeatedly..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2237052513 And now for the results, DRUM ROLL PLEASE !!! Qualifier 4 Top Scorers Score ID Prize all qualifiers ID All Prize(s) 112 Werbitum 112 MikMik_ Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 112 Tpro 112 Werbitum Tier 3 Badge 88 Vangs 112 Tpro Tier 3 Badge 85 0x6641...4c2c 110 ClyFoul Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 83 Blackcoyote89 110 ximo Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 75 clownarabi 104 Dran Tier 3 Badge 74 MikMik_ 100 Rush Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 71 Only 96 Tonton Tier 3 Badge 70 DerpVGG $100 95 Gellazka Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 70 [TRT] KratosTuga 95 0x5861...24a5 Tier 3 Badge 69 BlaZe 93 PSYQUI Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 69 reyuclown 93 [TRT] KratosTuga Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 64 PSYQUI 92 Elian Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 61 Abyzong 88 Vangs Tier 3 Badge 61 RexxyVGG 87 Blackcoyote89 Tier 3 Badge 60 0xcd7c...d945 $100 85 Aegon Tier 3 Badge 60 [SHRAP] Demetaq 85 XiaoboyVGG Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 58 0xd26a...e8fb 85 0x6641...4c2c Tier 3 Badge 57 OBANAIVGG 84 Menoall Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 56 JimbozVGG 83 Only Tier 3 Badge 53 garmin 83 Gedrox Tier 3 Badge 53 SeniorTai 80 TungCP Tier 3 Badge 52 ecoyy 78 IceTea Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 44 [SHRAP] MikeBen 77 [KUVA] Killerkool Tier 3 Badge 43 Sigilich 76 0xcf1b...3792 Tier 3 Badge 42 Crisille 76 ChrisphyGG Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 41 xISO 76 xISO Tier 3 Badge 39 YeonJuice 76 Luwiii Tier 3 Badge 38 Luwiii 75 Shmmm Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 36 ximo 75 clownarabi Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 34 MeshuggahGG 73 Layosh Tier 3 Badge 33 Bradlyman 71 Champion Tier 3 Badge 32 ChrisphyGG 71 Abyzong Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 28 ManavGG 70 YeonJuice Tier 3 Badge 26 Kasto 70 DerpVGG Tier 3 Badge 25 [KUVA] Killerkool 69 TiemNetPho Tier 3 Badge 25 Unknown 69 [SHRAP] Demetaq Tier 3 Badge 24 0x4448...faeb 69 BlaZe Tier 3 Badge 23 dztpeter 69 reyuclown Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 23 Arkham 68 garmin Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 23 WhysoSerious 64 MeshuggahGG Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 22 beifanghanbao 63 ext4nz Tier 3 Badge 22 0x26e2...9aaa 63 Emptypencils Tier 3 Badge 22 Wingman 61 RexxyVGG Tier 3 Badge 20 BraveRice 60 Milkman Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 19 0xd2ae...c5e6 60 0x88ae...776d Tier 3 Badge 17 0xfe5c...289b 60 0xcd7c...d945 Tier 3 Badge 14 chekwahh 58 Bradlyman Tier 3 Badge 13 Champion 57 OBANAIVGG Tier 3 Badge, Reward Vault 13 trinhdang 56 SeniorTai Tier 3 Badge 12 Manory 56 JimbozVGG Tier 3 Badge 10 [SHRAP] Soul_Yang 55 TaTaM Reward Vault 9 1000 52 ecoyy 8 CustomName 50 beifanghanbao Reward Vault 6 WanWan $100 44 [SHRAP] MikeBen Reward Vault 6 WIZZ 43 3DDavsan 5 0x6396...b8fa 43 Sigilich 5 0x0578...d8d3 42 MENGQI Reward Vault 5 0x76ac...a0a3 42 Crisille 4 Crow 37 Heeavyzera Reward Vault 4 Vipofweb3 33 Kasto 4 TiemNetPho 32 [KUVA] PootzDogg 3 KT_Metatron 32 WhysoSerious Reward Vault 3 0xf69b...07bf 32 ashcarrera Reward Vault 3 Lady.Avondrood 32 Lady.Avondrood Reward Vault 2 ade3437 31 MedevalFyre Reward Vault 2 denxie 29 Astakerx 2 TungCP 29 Mokarito 2 MinkyFan 28 OtsogaGaming Reward Vault 2 BearCato 28 ManavGG 2 alpphaofalpha 27 Nashgull 1 Shiffty 27 0x264c...0747 1 Tonton 27 HeyJ Reward Vault 1 0x91c8...193b 26 Wingman Reward Vault ... 25 Shiffty ... 25 creepitz Reward Vault ... 25 Unknown ... 24 0x4448...faeb 23 m3sh 23 dztpeter Reward Vault 23 Arkham 22 [KUVA] CoreyWynne96 22 0x26e2...9aaa 20 MicroByte Reward Vault 20 BraveRice 19 0x925f...fc44 19 0x6396...b8fa Reward Vault 19 0xd2ae...c5e6 Reward Vault 18 0x1e54...bbf5 17 BotLightM 17 0xfe5c...289b 16 Freya Reward Vault 15 KT_Metatron 14 chekwahh Reward Vault 13 0xd5b6...7eec 13 trinhdang 12 kiddsakalam 12 0x92a7...31b1 Reward Vault 12 DePiedra 12 SkiAlfa 10 [SHRAP] Soul_Yang 9 BebecitasUwuPiumPium Reward Vault 9 1000 8 CustomName Reward Vault 7 0x1ab4...d1a5 6 WanWan Reward Vault 6 WIZZ Reward Vault 5 0x2ab3...52e7 5 LordVelos 5 0x0578...d8d3 Reward Vault 5 0x76ac...a0a3 4 Mert Reward Vault 4 0xcefd...1232 Reward Vault 4 Sixsense 4 Crow 3 0xf69b...07bf 2 0xeed3...2740 Reward Vault 2 0xb829...e54b 2 BearCato Reward Vault 2 ade3437 2 denxie 2 alpphaofalpha 1 theroundtable Reward Vault 1 0x0000...0000 1 0x2204...081c Reward Vault 1 0xa035...6ec3 1 0x593f...8c79 1 0x91c8...193b Note that a tie between 32 and 33 was broken using total Protens scored. Congratulations to the top 32, and I think even the top 50 got a little something. Check out the tournament web page for full details about Saturday's final event. https://www.unioverse.com/explore/unioverse-hoverdrome-preview-tourney-2/ This Saturday at 11am MST. We will be streaming it live with our CG hosts on our Twitch channel be there or be square! https://www.twitch.tv/theunioverse Also, congratulations to our three $100 winners for participating. 1. xLonsky 2. DerpVGG 3. WanWan See you all in Da-Unioverse! WM
  19. Protens have been paid out to the top 25. Place UGT/ last 4 of wallet Protens Paid 1 MikMik_ 95000 2 8001 50000 3 HashPanda 29000 4 elian 28000 5 creepitz 27000 6 QuestLog 26000 7 Fr33Fall 25000 8 [KUVA] Killerkool 24000 9 Crypto834 23000 10 sewlie 23000 11 cdc3 10000 12 stagmattic 10000 13 KingREYU 10000 14 BearCato 10000 15 ximo 10000 16 Emptypencils 10000 17 FatPanda_7 10000 18 ea1d 10000 19 f6b2 10000 20 R3YU 10000 21 a5bf 10000 22 85eb 10000 23 ddf1 10000 24 9538 10000 25 d9f2 10000
  20. Not sure if the video works, so here at least a picture of my bike
  21. Top right hand corner 5 stars available.... WM
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